Thursday, May 28, 2015

Update on Zendaya Coleman's Contractual Status

(LOS ANGELES) As everyone knows now, as of Wednesday, Disney Channel star Zendaya signed with the Los Angeles Wrestling Academy and will wrestle at Wrestlemania. But many people are asking a very important question. How many appearances is she going to make and how much is she going to make?

As far as appearances, the K.C. Undercover star is going to be at all the remaining Pay-Per-Views and she will occasionally be at RAW, Smackdown, and Supershows. As far as the pay goes, she will be paid $1000 per show, and if there is a championship struggle at any time involving the Los Angeles Wrestling Academy Championship, she will be paid about $5000 on top of the $1000 for the victory and rewarded $25000 for winning the championship back for the former champion, even if she has outside interference helping her out. That comes out to $31000.

Also, K.C. Undercover will come to KNGC as part of her signing a television contract, just like Miley Cyrus coming in to the Los Angeles Wrestling Academy in 2006 and Hannah Montana came to TV within three weeks of her debut and Duel Monsters Championship victory.

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