Thursday, July 31, 2014

BREAKING NEWS: Fred Flintstone vs. Triple H at Summerslam

(LOS ANGELES) Fred Flintstone has issued a statement in regards to the situation involving himself and Triple H, making their match official.

"After last Sunday's show, I am so sick and tired of Triple H making the decisions for us. I had booked Money in the Bank several months ago to take place at the Barclays Center, just minutes away from my hometown of The Bronx, New York in Broooklyn, and for Triple H to call the venue stating that I, the promoter, had not gotten permission from WWE and Viince McMahon, when I typicaallt do not need to ask for special permissions tp do special events outside of Los Angeles, California, the home of the Los Angeles Wrestling Academy. A couple of weeks ago, he trespassed and told The Big Show to knock me out twice. And for that, I am challenging hom to a match at Summerslam. This time, it will be very personal."

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