Sunday, July 22, 2012

Demi Lovato waiting for Drug Test Results

(LOS ANGELES) As everyone knows, Demi Lovato was suspended back on June 28 due to a Wellness Policy Violation for 30 days for not having a written prescription for one of her "Bi-Polar" medications. Results from the California Athletics Commission's Drug Test came in to the Los Angeles Wrestling Academy on Thursday, coming out negative for anabolic steroids and prescription drugs. Results from the third test, which was administered by the Wrestling Academy, which was ordered the same day by Fred Flintstone are still on hold by the Wellness Program. If the results of this third test come out negative, then she will be cleared to compete, thus clearing the failed test and erasing the first strike she currently has on her record. If the result comes out positive, then she will be on another 30 day suspension.

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